Over 200 schools in London and beyond are currently using Destination Reader to improve reading standards across KS2 – it’s time to join them!
Destination Reader is a pedagogical based approach to teaching reading for KS2, where daily, structured reading sessions are backed up with partner work and independent reading to teach children to read with greater understanding, enjoyment and purpose. The approach started in Hackney which has a high-performing network of schools that perform above the national average for reading attainment.
One headteacher of a London primary school said of the programme:
“Destination Reader has enabled our teachers in Key Stage 2 to understand how to explicitly teach reading strategies. It provides a consistent framework for teaching and the sentence stems have equipped the children to talk about reading. We have also seen children naturally using these stems in other areas of the curriculum. A love of reading has been more evident and our reading sessions are now much more focused on reading strategies.”
The structured nature of the reading sessions implement solid reading routines into the school day, providing a consistent, systematic approach. This allows children to be fully independent learners, deepening their comprehension of the texts through the systematic use of a series of strategies and learning stems.
This approach encompasses the key principles of effective reading provision and fully meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, but more than that – it helps to foster a love of reading in your pupils that can last for a lifetime.
Furthermore, because Destination Reader is not a scheme, it is flexible to work with any texts the school chooses.
To find out more about Destination Reader or to enquire about one of our upcoming open mornings, please email Joanna Murray, call 0208 820 7607 or visit our web page.