Cloud Technology is changing the world

 The disruption has moved beyond IT and is now fundamentally shaping the way organisations function.  Teachers are no longer bound by the four walls of the classroom.  Business managers exist because schools know they are facing a fundamentally different digital future where both staff and students expect a modern working environment.  School leaders may still delegate IT decisions to their network manager, but only after they’ve been involved in defining strategy and direction because they are so fundamental to educational success.

Cloud technology is gaining momentum in UK education, with most establishments using products like Office 365 and G Suite for Education.  It’s no surprise research from RM Education found that 81% of primary school respondents and 88% of secondary schools respondents are looking to implement, or make more use of, cloud based applications over the next 3 years.

Cloud technology can save time and money, enable collaboration and flexible working, and it’s secure.  But how does a school or Trust work out which benefits they can pursue?  Technology for its own sake tends to deliver a poor return on investment.  RM Education has worked with hundreds of schools to implement cloud technology, providing cloud readiness audits to help determine where schools want to be, and building digital strategies to deliver that change.  Here are our 5 top tips to make the change the right one for your school.

  1. Start with the user

If the user experience for students and staff isn’t going to improve it probably isn’t the right thing to do.

  1. Keep an eye on the bigger picture

Transitioning to cloud solutions means leaving old ways behind, it’s an enabler for a bigger change programme

  1. Review the whole solution

Whether you’re implementing new devices, software or a new wifi, consider the impact changing one component has on the final solution.

  1. End with the user

Training is a vital component, staff and students must know what’s coming and how they will benefit.

  1. Keep going

Don’t stop. Keep listening to users and keep the experience improving

You wouldn’t usually start a journey without knowing your destination and the journey to implement cloud-based technology is no different.  Clarity of purpose can inform and shape your technology decisions, to make the most of the opportunity.  Find out how RM Education could help your school define its direction


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