National School Sport Week at Home: Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports team up to unite the country through sport this summer

Children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports have teamed up on a campaign to unite the country through sport and promote young people’s wellbeing this summer.

With millions of young people set to miss out on a school sport day, the Youth Sport Trust’s annual National School Sport Week campaign will this year be opened up to parents and families and reinvented as National School Sport Week at Home.

Taking place from 20 to 26 June, the UK-wide campaign will give families, communities, schools and sports clubs the opportunity to engage in a series of virtual sporting challenges which help young people capture the enjoyment, competition and camaraderie they have been missing out on during weeks of school closures and social distancing.

People can register to take part in the campaign from today. Anyone signing up will receive videos and activity cards to help them plan a series of challenges across the week for their families, neighbours, friends or colleagues.

In previous years National School Sport Week has seen thousands of schools join in a week-long celebration of school sport and Physical Education, and their important role enhancing young people’s wellbeing.

Sky Sports will supercharge this year’s campaign, helping to inspire families across the country to take part. This builds on a long-term relationship between the broadcaster and charity. In 2003 the Youth Sport Trust and Sky launched Sky Sports Living for Sport, with over half a million young people taking part in the initiative over a decade. The Youth Sport Trust is now a key charity partner for Sky Cares, Sky’s employee volunteering programme. Earlier this month the £75,000 commercial fees from the sportsmen and women whom appeared in the #IAmSport marketing film were donated by Sky Sports to the charity.

National Governing Bodies of sport will also be supporting the week, with several appointing stars of their sport as School Sport Champions.

Youth Sport Trust Chief Executive Ali Oliver said: “The Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports share a passionate belief in the power of sport to change lives and unite us, even through the most difficult times. We are delighted that Sky Sports will be partnering this summer’s National School Sport Week at Home, helping us to support the millions of young people missing out on a school sport day this year.

“Right now, young people are missing their friends and missing the sense of connection they get through sport.

“Sport has such a crucial role to play in promoting young people’s wellbeing and this has never been more apparent than it is now. After weeks of isolation we hope that YST National School Sport Week at Home 2020 can help bring families, communities, schools and sports clubs back together.”

Sky Sports Managing Director Rob Webster said: At Sky Sports we are all passionate about sport and the power it has to unite people. National School Sport Week at Home will help inspire schoolteachers and families all across the country to help get children active.  We are delighted to be able to help supercharge the campaign.”

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