Food for Life offers lockdown learning support for schools and parents with FREE membership

Following the announcement of a third national lockdown, the biggest national school healthy eating programme, Food for Life, is offering free membership to schools during lockdown and through until the Easter holidays. The primary aim is to support schools, parents and carers to effectively continue good food and growing education, particularly during this period of additional disruption during lockdown.

Food for Life supports schools to get pupils eating healthy food and reconnect them with where their food comes from.  The ongoing pandemic has highlighted that now, more than ever, good health is key, and food has a crucial role to play. Food for Life strives to support schools in their good food and growing learning, encouraging positive food and health attitudes for life.

Independent studies report that joining Food for Life has increased school meal take up, attendance, increased confidence of staff and enriched their school curriculum. It could also help schools meet Ofsted criteria.

Primary schools across the UK will now have free access to a range of curriculum tools and materials, including Jamie Oliver Kitchen Garden Project resources, designed by experts to get children cooking, growing and eating amazing food that’s good for the planet too. These resources can be shared with parents who are home educating and will benefit children of key workers who are still attending school.

Sophia Koniarska, Associate Director at Food for Life says “The latest lockdown and subsequent closure of schools has hit at a time when energy and resource are low. We have heard some truly inspirational stories of teachers using innovative methods to teach safely with reduced numbers, whilst also supporting pupils learning with their families at home.

“Here at Food for Life we are keen to support teachers and home learning to incorporate good food education as much as possible. Never has it been more important for our younger generation to have an understanding of good food and where it comes from, embedding positive health habits and food enjoyment for life.  We of course look forward to continue our support in classrooms and school dining rooms once lockdown has lifted.”

Schools who register for free membership will receive:

Schools can benefit from this Food for Life offer by visiting

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