Four must-haves for increasing safety in new school buildings

New or refurbished school buildings should offer both the potential to provide education in a modern place as well as a safe environment. There are many regulations and laws that must be followed, but in addition to this, there is also a whole range of additional things that would be best practices. Here are our 4 must-haves to ensure the safety in your new school building are up to scratch.

1 – Railings

Many schoolyard injuries occur on walkways. They seem innocent enough, but when wet can be a major hazard. When icy they are downright dangerous.

The proper railings will ensure that students can get into the school building without any risk of injury since they are designed for the type of use that a school demands. There are different ages of students so they should be at a comfortable height for the younger ones while older students still have easy hand access to keep them steady when needed.

Key clamp handrails from Ezi Klamp are an ideal solution since they are easily customizable for the needs of a particular school. As a bonus, they are economical as they are easy to install and require no specialized tools.

2 – Doors

We’ve all been there in the past. Just tried to nip through a door before it’s closed, and it’s trapped our fingers in there. While nine times out of ten, it probably results in a few bruises, it isn’t severe enough to warrant a trip to A&E.

However, with pupils’ safety at the forefront, doors must be as safe as possible; finger guards are a must. Many secondary schools now operate a system whereby doors can be opened upon the presentation of a school ID card, required by both staff and students alike. Other schools may prefer doors with two handles to prevent the escape of younger children or those with special educational needs who may be runners.

3 – Windows

Windows can be the bane of a caretaker’s life. Historically, there were always ones in the hall that required the use of a special contraption to open them, which inevitably went missing when the whole school was in there doing a play practice, getting hotter and hotter by the minute. Nowadays, windows tend to be a lot more straightforward, with permanent ways to open attached to the wall.

This makes it a much safer operation, with no one attempting to stand on chairs, for example, to attempt to open them. Furthermore, windows up high should be restricted to prevent anyone from being able to climb out and do potential harm to themselves or others.

4 – Stairs and Lifts

When it comes to a two-story building, it is vital to take into account that many accidents occur on the stairs. While historically, there were no lifts in schools, it is vital that schools are inclusive, ensuring that all pupils have equal access to both the curriculum and the physical building. Not only should a lift be a consideration, but one wide enough for a larger wheelchair. For special schools, one which fits both an acheeva bed, or similar, along with the additional adult, is a must. Furthermore, alternative escape routes are a must for occasions when lifts are not in operation. Consider investing in a ramp leading out to open space.


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