Does Your Child Need A Helping Hand With Schoolwork? Here Are Three Ideas To Give Them A Boost

Image credit: Joshua Hoehne

As a parent, it can a hard thing to process when you see that your child is struggling with schoolwork. That powerful instinct to help them no matter what it takes can clash with the knowledge that you don’t want to put too much pressure on them, but how can you encourage them to see that they can do better without pushing too hard?

One of the most important words to remember in this situation is support. We all need a helping hand every now and again, and here are a few ideas to help you give your child that boost they need to get over this wall.

Find Them A Study Buddy

When you’re struggling with a particular subject, it can feel pretty isolating. We all remember that feeling of looking around the classroom and feeling like we were the only ones who didn’t get it, right? Well, one way that you can help shut that down is by talking to other parents in your child’s class and seeing if you could set up a study buddy system or a homework club. This can be a tricky tightrope to walk without feeling like you’re overstepping into your kid’s social circle but remember to present a reward element as well as the encouragement. It’s also a great practice to get into for studying in the future.

Online Tutoring Can Make A Huge Difference

We mentioned the isolating feeling of not understanding a subject, and what that can lead to is an unwillingness to put your hand up and tell the teacher that you’re having a hard time. If some extra help is needed, online tutoring can provide that support with focused, targeted learning that they can take at their own pace.

With papers sent through the post and in-depth video tutorials, these classes can be targeted at the areas that your child is finding particularly challenging to create a personalised learning experience that won’t leave them behind. Test Teach helps students pass the 11+ with online and offline classes, with specialised tutorials from a range of expert tutors, and they offer a free sample pack.

Remember To Talk

We mentioned the many and complex feelings that you can have as a parent when your child is struggling in class, but it’s just as important to remember that they will be finding this just as hard. So, remember to keep talking to them about how they’re doing, and to remind them that you are there to support them no matter what their grades are.

There may be many different reasons why they might be having a hard time in class, so it’s vital that you be patient and ready to listen if there’s something that they need to get off their chest. You should also be sure to talk to their teachers to voice your concerns and to get their perspective. They may have some ideas about how you can help structure time for homework, or suggestions for activities that you can do outside of school that may help.

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