Nearly three quarters of educators lack confidence that students are learning at home

Educators up and down the UK have experienced a sustained period of unpredictably this year, which looks set to continue into the spring at the very earliest. The pandemic is something that nobody could have been prepared for and the speed of change meant that many schools were required to develop remote learning strategies in minimal time.

Despite the continued adaptability and resilience shown by educators, the Naace COVID-19 Education Impact Report has highlighted that 72 percent of educators surveyed are not confident that their students are learning. Educator feedback suggests that while technology has been instrumental in the delivery of remote learning, student engagement is a cause for concern.

The Naace COVID-19 Education Impact Report surveyed over 1,000 educators from around the UK, looking to provide an insight into educator opinions on teaching and learning during the pandemic.

Some of the report findings include:

  • 62 percent of educators surveyed believe no more than 60 percent of students are engaged in home/remote learning.
  • There is a mixed outlook on communication with students, 33 percent agreeing it has been easy, in comparison with 36 percent who disagree.
  • 79 percent of educators strongly agree they are confident using their edtech skills to support home learners.
  • Only 28 percent of educators surveyed agree their mental health has not been affected.

Philip Blackburn, Chair of Naace, said: “Being embedded in the education community, Naace has seen first-hand how the pandemic has had such a significant impact on teaching and learning. We hope schools will use the findings of the report to start conversations about how edtech strategies can be strengthened as we move through a challenging winter.

“We would urge schools to take advantage of the fantastic resources and learning opportunities that exist in the education sector. Whether through organisations like Naace or with your edtech suppliers, utilise the expertise that is available to you. Committed to education, we all have a vested interest in technology provisions that have the maximum impact on lesson delivery and student outcomes.”

Read the full Naace COVID-19 Education Impact Report here.

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