Recording telephone calls in Schools

It is vital for schools to keep an open, transparent and positive relationship with parents and improve efficiency and protection.

By implementing and integrating call recording with the school phone system, governors and senior staff can have access when necessary to recordings of every inbound and outbound phone call.

This can help with everything from resolving disputes to tackling absenteeism as well providing protection against hoax or abusive telephone calls and assisting staff training and recruitment

The Storacall ST system is a proven call recording system which can record calls on virtually any telephone system and is reliable, flexible, scalable, cost-effective and available in Budget, Professional and Enterprise formats. Importantly for schools every call is recorded, encrypted and stored confidentially with password access only being available to the school leadership team that is authorised

Our Schools solutions offer you:

  • Secure password protected calls
  • Send copies of calls to staff or other authorities
  • Reliability and continuity
  • Highest levels of system security and monitoring
  • Total recording across all communication platforms
  • Fast search and replay – every second counts!
  • Peace of mind knowing this solution is proven in your market place


For further information visit or for a Guide to Call Recording or to discuss a possible application phone 01932 710710 today or email  

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