Storacall TeleAcoustics has just launched its new website

Storacall TeleAcoustics has just launched its new website showcasing a range of acoustic telephone hoods, kiosks, telephone cabinets, weatherproof telephones and tough internal telephones.

The range of acoustic telephone hoods have been designed to enable you to answer and make phone calls including mobile phone calls in a safe, quieter and less stressful environment improving speech privacy and minimising misunderstandings, alternatively they can be fitted with information terminals, tablets or other instruments.  The hood can also be fitted with pre-programmed phones to become a school contact point, emergency phone, or a pay phone to contact home.

The telephones and cabinets are suitable for internal or external locations providing protection for the enclosed telephone instrument against water, dirt, dust and other environmental hazards. The cabinets are suitable for  Out of hours, Emergency, Security, Information and Help Line applications as well as situations where the use of mobile or radio telephones is inappropriate or banned.

Storacall TeleAcoustics are a supplier of specialist telecom products to the government, utilities, retail, financial, manufacturing and service sector in the UK and abroad. For more information contact Storacall on 01242 570995, or visit: to download brochure.

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