Youthscape mental health training


3-hour course

A brand new course from Youthscape covering the six pillars of self-esteem and highlights how this relates to young people. We ensure that each delegate is given the knowledge to recognise the importance of understanding ‘self,’ including developing the skills and theory of understanding the emotional, evaluative and cognitive components of self-esteem. The training also includes a wealth of practical resources and information to use with young people in your setting.

Learning outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the emotional, evaluative and cognitive components of self-esteem.
  • Recognise the key signs of damaged self-esteem in a young person, when and how to respond.
  • Methods of support along with practical session ideas for young people in a one to one and group capacity.
  • An introduction to the wealth of resources around building positive self- esteem in young people.
  • Free downloadable worksheets and session plans to use in your setting.
  • Theory around the formation of self-esteem from childhood to adolescence.
  • The impact of sexuality and gender on self-esteem.


3-hour course

In a culture with higher pressures to succeed, 24/7 online presence, global instability and a constant bad news cycle, young people are increasingly struggling to know how to cope.

As professionals we are seeing an increasing rise in disclosures around anxiety and can be unsure how best to respond and support.

Anxiety in Adolescence not only highlights the pressures that young people are facing today, but also key methods of support, including schoolwide/ organisation-wide and individual approaches, free downloadable resources and the skills to identify the signs of anxiety disorders. The course also covers the area of exam related anxiety and gives practical advice and measures schools and those supporting young people can put in place to manage this time of year more effectively.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of the main types of anxiety disorder.
  • Recognising physical and psychological indicators of anxiety.
  • Understanding of Perfectionism as a trigger of anxiety.
  • Catastrophizing and self-doubt.
  • Methods of support including encouraging selfcare and advice around primary to secondary transition.
  • Plus a range of free downloadable worksheets and recommended resources.


3-hour course

10–13% of young people are known to actively self-harm. However, for many disclosure is made harder by the fear of misunderstanding and the myths and stigma that remain around this issue. As professionals we can often be unsure of how to respond in light of a self-harm disclosure, fearing we will do or say the wrong thing.

Ideal for those who would like to develop an understanding of self- harm as well as the skills to confidently respond and support young people around this issue.

Learning outcomes

  • An overview of the latest research on the extent of self-harm among young people and the particular groups at highest risk.
  • An understanding of why young people selfharm and key steps to help young people reduce their harming.
  • How to respond to self-harm disclosure.
  • Alternative coping strategies for individuals who self-harm.
  • An understanding of physical and emotional indicators of self-harm.
  • The impact of online communities and social media.
  • Where to refer young people to specialist support for self-harm and an introduction to the resources that are available.

All our courses are available as regional events or in-house session for staff.

To find out more about our range of courses please visit or email

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