Call to Enter -The Education Resources Awards 2018

We are delighted to announce that entries are now being accepted to enter The Education Resources Awards 2018 (ERA) for the following 2 important categories.

1. Leadership in Education – This award will be presented to a member of the teaching profession or an educational professional working in a setting, school or college, nominated by his or her peers or themselves, for some special leadership quality or qualities, e.g. for the way that a teaching environment is managed; for qualities displayed in managing an educational purchasing policy; for the way in which the respect of pupils has been gained, or for outstanding innovation or creativity.

2 Educational Establishment – This award will be presented to an educational establishment from any phase – early years to tertiary – which can demonstrate effectiveness and real value to the community it serves. Entries may cover one or several of the following criteria.

How the establishment has created and sustained partnerships with local businesses.
The use made of the school building.
The success of the pupils over a three-year period.
A comprehensive approach to extended learning.
A supportive and inclusive approach to the role of parents and carers in pupil achievement.
A wide-ranging professional development programme.

Winners will be announced at the gala awards ceremony to be held at The National Conference Centre, Birmingham, on the second evening of The Education Show 2018; Friday 16th March 2018.

Organised by Brilliant Marketing Solutions and The British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA), The ERAs highlight outstanding resources, excellent educational establishments and acknowledge the most dedicated members of the teaching profession. Their aim is to encourage the raising of educational services & product standards throughout the industry and they are recognised throughout the sector as the accolade of excellence. Sponsors and supporters include some of the best known names in the education industry including Helix Maped, The Rochester Bridge Trust and YPO and are supported by The NAHT and nasen. Our media partner is Education Today. Full details of the awards categories and the entry process can be downloaded by visiting or

Closing date for receipt of entries: Monday 5th February 2018.

For further information about how to enter, please call the ERA team on 01622 474011

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