The Benefits of Continuing in Medical Education

Are you a registered nurse who is feeling the need to climb up the medical ladder? If so, you should consider continuing your medical education by becoming a nurse practitioner. Did you know that there are nearly 3 million registered nurses in the U.S, compared to only 1.1 million doctors? With the need for medical care growing at an alarming rate, an opportunity has arised for registered nurses; a chance to continue their education and become a nurse practitioner. In areas such as pediatrics, family medicine, and more, becoming a nurse practitioner is as attractive as it is accomplishable.

Why the Need for Nurse Practitioners?

With the end of the “Baby Boomers” looming, and young-new families growing, there is a need for reliable healthcare but at an affordable price. Nurse practitioners are able to perform a vast majority of procedures that doctors can, but at a lower cost to the patient. This high-level care, at a reasonable cost, is beneficial to those either without insurance or little to no medical benefits at all. A perfect example of the need for nurse practitioners in the medical field, is in adult-geratric medicine. Both the public and medical demand for nurse practitioners is hard to ignore. In fact, over the past few years, primary care and urgent care facilities have seen an increase in hiring nurse practitioners. The upsides to being a nurse practitioner are three fold: the public demand, the medical need, and the fiscal benefits.

The Financial Gain

The average salary for a nurse practitioner is $110,030, which is far greater than the average salary of a registered nurse being around $65,000 (for individual state averages click here). However, some might be worried about the cost involved in continuing their education against the job availability post-graduation. The good news is this, with schools like Regis College,  becoming a nurse practitioner is more affordable than ever. By applying for your post-masters certificates at Regis, you will be well on your way to building your nursing career.  With there being an estimated  job increase of nearly 30%, over the next 8 years, now is the perfect time to consider continuing your medical education and becoming a nurse practitioner. The financial gain of furthering your medical career is enticing; and being able to help others in the process makes becoming a nurse practitioner even more desirable.

Is this the Right Fit for Me?

Being a registered nurse is rewarding, challenging, and admirable. Choosing to take care of the needs of others is what sets those in the medical field apart from the rest of the world. There will always be a demand for careers in the medical field, and there are many great jobs to choose from. However, before you decide on whether or not to become a nurse practitioner, it is important to remember the reason you are in the medical field to begin with; to help bring health back to your community. Are you ready to gain more responsibility and authority in your nursing career? Then becoming a nurse practitioner is your opportunity of a lifetime. Take the chance, grow your education, and help meet the demands of a growing medical field.

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