Save Money by Leasing Your Interior Requirements from AJ Products

No budget for a required expansion or upgrade?

Does your budget fall short of your “ideal” solution?

Would you like to complete a project now without waiting for the money to come in?

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AJ Products now offers a leasing solution for all your workplace furniture and equipment requirements. From office furniture, breakout spaces and conference furniture to pallet racking and materials handling solutions, AJ Products has the solutions to help your business improve workplace productivity and employee wellbeing.

We can lend to businesses of all types from established global brands to start ups and even sole traders with no upfront payment. Leasing is a solution that makes sense no matter your financial circumstances.

No Deposit Required: With no upfront payment required, you can move forward with projects more quickly without the need to wait for money to come in or dip into future budgets.

Affordable Monthly Payments: Spread your project cost across the chosen term as a fixed monthly payment with a fixed interest rate that won’t change throughout the duration of the lease, allowing you to budget effectively from Day 1.

Flexible Lease Terms: Choose the term that best suits your business plan. AJ Products offers finance leases from 2 to 5 years so can arrange regular manageable payments over a time period of your choice.

Tax Advantages: All leasing payments made are tax deductible. Whether you are a global business, an educational establishment or a start-up company, this solution makes sense to your bottom line.

Improved Cash Flow: Keep your cash in your bank and avoid overdrafts and loans. This gives you opportunity to use your available cash to invest in other important areas of your business.

Complete Projects: Get a simple solution that allows you to complete financially-phased projects immediately or part-fund projects where needed. Lease deals are available from £1000 to £1,000,000.

Up-to-date Furniture and Equipment: Improve productivity and staff retention by having the best, most modern equipment for your business instead of settling for cheaper solutions that won’t give you the same return and may not last you as long.

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Peace of Mind: Security is levied on the equipment not your property.

Simplicity: At the end of the lease, you can choose whether to…

  1. Keep the products
  2. Return the products
  3. Upgrade to new products.

So, whether you want to finance your requirements completely, part finance a purchase, upgrade to a higher specification product that will outperform your original budget-driven choice or simply wish to be more tax efficient, AJ Products has the total solution for you in terms of product choice and payment options.

AJ Products is a full-service supplier of furniture and interior solutions for offices, schools, warehouses and industrial facilities. Established in Sweden in 1975, the AJ Group covers 19 European countries and opened in the UK in 1999. AJ Products supplies the right products at the right prices in order to be a one-stop shop for all your workplace needs. Our combination of over 20,000 quality products, expert knowledge, in-house design and manufacturing, and high service levels allows us to offer smart solutions for your workplace. We can provide everything from design suggestions and planning to quick delivery and installation.

01252 359760

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