Free education resources from Disney’s popular West End musicals available to download

Disney Theatrical Productions is to offer free downloadable creative activities for educators and parents from their West End shows of The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Frozen and Aladdin. This collection of fun and educational resources for schools and home learning is available to download here now. From costume making and designing your own set model to creative writing, behind-the-scenes videos and career focused podcasts, these creative resources are designed for primary, secondary pupils, all selected specially to enjoy at home. The full list of activities available for each show can be found below. More to come!

The Lion King

For ages 6-11

The Circle of Life – This activity encourages everyone to think about how to make our world a better place.

Recycling for Fun – This activity shows some fun and practical ways to recycle common items.

Costume Mask Making – giving children the chance to make their own costume masks with different themes for inspiration.

For ages 11-14

Nala’s Story – An activity that creates the opportunity to script your own scene with Nala centre stage.

The Circle of Life – Exploring the concept of the Circle of Life and helping develop an appreciation of the need to respect the world in which we live.

Behaving Like Animals – Exploring anthropomorphism, a device used in drama and literature by which animal characters display human characteristics.

All ages

A collection of short videos that will give viewers an unprecedented insight behind the scenes at The Lion King.

Getting Ready to Roar – A behind-the-scenes mini documentary which provides a unique insight into the intense backstage preparation for a performance.


For ages 6-11

Storytelling: Setting the Scene in Agrabah – Five writing activities inspired by Aladdin’s setting, the fictional city of Agrabah. Focus on comparing and contrasting two different places in Agrabah or rewrite a scene from Aladdin using a different place or time.

Art & Design: Drawing and Modelling Settings in Aladdin – Create the world of Aladdin by creating a mood board, storyboard, or even design a set model.

For ages 11-14

Identity and Social Media – The objective of this activity is to help students to connect and contrast the main themes in the Aladdin storyline with what is considered to be ‘safe behaviour’ online for young people.

Creative Writing – Explore five Aladdin-themed activities to inspire creative writing.

For all ages

A collection of short videos that will give viewers an unprecedented insight behind the scenes of Aladdin.

Colouring a Lamp – Print out and colour in Aladdin’s magic lamp. Make it gold or blue or rainbow – whatever you wish!


For all ages

Colouring a Frozen Snowflake – Print out and colour-in snowflakes from Frozen. Don’t forget to answer the fun questions on the back!

Mary Poppins

For ages 6-11

Word Magic – Mary Poppins enjoys making words fun. Have a play with how many words and letters you can find in the biggest word you’ve ever heard!

Make Your Own Magic – Use your imagination to create a magical experience through the story of Mary Poppins. Write a story and maybe even act it out!

Make a Kite! – One of the happiest songs in Mary Poppins is ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’. Why not make your own kite? You will need: a paper bag/paper, string, two sticks, scissors and ribbon.

Careers in Theatre

Disney Theatrical Podcast – Backstage with Disney Theatrical Productions

Listen to a podcast series featuring career advice and stories from the incredible teams that make Disney’s theatrical magic in London’s West End including technical production, carpentry, wardrobe, and make-up.


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