Why to Tether Tools

On jobsites around the world, safety has become the number one directive. It is not only important for the safety of workers, but those who operate near or on a jobsite. Thankfully, there is a litany of safety tools available for use.

One of the simplest yet most effective tools at your disposal is a tool tether. It looks like a little bungee lanyard but it can wind up having a hugely positive impact on your jobsite going forward.

What is Tool Tethering?

Tool tethers are a means of preventing tools from falling when working in elevated or confined spaces. Even from just a few feet in the air, a falling tool can have devastating consequences. Using a tool tether on the job can be a simple but effective way of keeping your tools protected and those around you safe.

Tool tethers have three general components. There is the lanyard itself, a tether point where it holds the tool(s) in question, and an anchor point. Each plays a crucial role in keeping your tools safe yet accessible even when in a compromising position.

Why to Tether Your Tools

“Why tether my tools” is a simple question but an important one to ask. After all, you might feel like you have sure hands or enough space in your tool belt to hold everything. Why add another piece of equipment to the mix when you don’t have to? As it turns out, there are several major reasons to make the move to a tool tether.


On any given jobsite, there are going to be people moving around below. Whether passing through or doing work of their own, they are in a vulnerable position being beneath someone on an elevated surface.

A falling tool, even a smaller one, can wind up having devastating consequences. Tools that are properly tethered will simply rebound back to the owner and remain safely in tow. Preventing falling tools is critical for personal safety.

Business Liability

From a business perspective, there is the matter of liability to consider. Accidents that happen on the job can lead to potentially costly fines and claims, all of which can negatively impact the bottom line. Businesses looking to cut down on liability concerns would naturally insist on tethered tools. Doing so would limit the potential for an accident created by falling tools.

Protecting Your Investment

Tools can be quite costly, especially if you have accumulated a nice cache over time. There will be no worse feeling than seeing that valuable investment fall to its doom. If only there were a simple but effective means of keeping them protected.

Using a tool tether is simple, cheap, and will do the most to protect your valuable tools. Most importantly, it will save you the feeling of “I should have used one” when something ultimately does fall.

Ensure Safety Standards are Followed

The single most important part of choosing a tool tether is to ensure that it follows proper safety standards. Each piece of safety equipment undergoes stringent testing to ensure that they adhere to necessary safety standards.

Some of these procedures involve third party testing, which determines tensile strength, durability, and more. It is also important to consider the length of the tool tether that you are considering. There are some shorter, fabric options while others go for longer, bungee-like tethers.

Though they might not seem like much, tool tethers are invaluable where elevated work is required. Take the time to invest in a tool tether to keep your tools, coworkers, and your business protected from an unnecessary accident.

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