The country’s fastest growing teacher training provider becomes the National Institute of Teaching and Education

The UK’s fastest growing teacher training provider, the National Institute of Teaching and Education (the National Institute), which launches this month (January 2022), is bucking a downward trend in teacher recruitment seen over recent months. With recent data from NFER showing a decline in applications to initial teacher training to below pre-pandemic levels, sparking fears for teacher supply, the National Institute has seen a 200% increase in enrolments between September 2020 and September 2021.

Roughly three quarters of recruits are over 25 years old – as the National Institute’s any time, any place model attracts second-career recruits.

And against worrying warnings from NAHT and others of a possible exodus of school and college leaders following the pandemic, courses to enhance the expertise and skill of experienced staff are showing a rise in interest and applications.

Core to these achievements are the National Institute’s flexible programmes, which blend online learning with local school-based practice, giving aspiring teachers access to nationwide sector-leading training. Meanwhile, multiple start points, part time routes and modular courses are attracting older and second-career recruits, further expanding the pool of skilled teachers.

All National Institute courses are apprenticeship-approved, meaning schools can use their apprenticeship levy to fund training at no additional cost. This is providing a convenient and financially-effective route for experienced teachers to enhance their skills – with a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Senior Leader Apprenticeship, alongside coaching and CPD courses, providing cradle to grave development for teachers at every stage in their career.

  • The West Midlands saw the most applications to the National Institute, followed by London
  • 31 is the average age of its initial teacher training student
  • While the more traditional ‘tuition fee’ route is the most common route into teaching here, salaried and apprenticeship routes are growing in popularity, indicating an increasing trend towards training on the job
  • 96 professionals enrolled on the National Institute’s Masters course in its first year, and around a third of trainees on its leadership courses are below 35

Professor Geraint Jones, Executive Director and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, National Institute of Teaching and Education, said: “Recruitment and retention issues in teaching have been getting worse over the past two decades. The new National Institute of Teaching and Education is aiming to help address these issues and is demonstrating that high quality courses, combined with more flexible training models, can attract more teachers into the profession, and also upskill and inspire those further into their careers. We need to make it easier for teachers and school leaders to access the best training that can be completed at a time and location suitable for them. Continuous professional development for teachers is the one way to develop a truly world class education system in this country.”


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