KS3 music teachers across the capital will be taking part in the first cohort of The UK Association for Music Education (Music Mark)’s new CPD programme later today (13th June).
Peer-to-Peer offers teachers the chance to learn how to improve their teaching from an expert panel of colleagues who’ve demonstrated excellence in their schools.
Music Mark’s Teaching & Learning Coordinator James Devaney said: “Teachers will get to chance to talk to other music teachers and together, improve and empower their departments.”
Funded by the Mayor of London and the Department of Education, the free programme also includes mentoring, twilight networking sessions and access to an online network to share ideas and receive additional support.
Music Mark’s General Manager Jem Shuttleworth said: “We’re very excited about Peer-to-Peer; it will offer an opportunity to connect practitioners across London to share their excellent practice and expertise.”
The second cohort of Peer-to-Peer begins on 26th September. Registration closes on 12th September so further details can be found at: www.musicmark.org.uk/training-events/peer-to-peer-programme-2014-2015