Discovery Education launches poetry resources

For National Poetry Day (3 October), global edtech leader Discovery Education has provided schools with an engaging new collection of digital resources and lessons to inspire children’s love of poetry. Available via the award-winning digital learning service Discovery Education Espresso, this new, high-quality content is closely mapped to the National Curriculum for English in UK primary schools.

National Poetry Day is an annual event that encourages people to read, write, experience and share poetry. Featuring well-known poets such as Joseph Coelho  and Benjamin Zephaniah, Discovery Education’s new National Poetry Day resources will inspire pupils to discover, share and enjoy many different types of poetry, from traditional rhymes and free verse to Japanese Haiku and dub.

Discovery Education’s new poetry resources include:

  • Poetry Videos:Bringing poetry to life for pupils to enjoy
  • Short Poems:To read aloud, with classroom discussion prompts
  • Poetry Activities: To help children discover and understand a wide range of poems
  • Mini Poetry Lessons:Lifting poetry off the page, differentiated by Key Stage
  • Classroom Inspiration:Ideas for marking National Poetry Day in schools

Lizzy Lambley, Discovery Education’s UK Head of Production said: “Discovery Education is proud to support National Poetry Day by providing teachers with engaging resources that will  inspire children’s love of poetry. Poetry has so many benefits for children. It improves reading and writing, opens doors to cultural awareness and supports emotional literacy, and most importantly, poetry can help students make sense of the world around them in new ways.”

The National Poetry Day resources are available to Discovery Education subscriber schools via Discovery Education Espresso. A curriculum-centred daily learning platform, Discovery Education Espresso includes a wide range of poetry resources and activities that support teaching throughout the year.

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