North West primary academy trust Focus-Trust has reduced its overall energy costings by championing sustainability and joining schools across the UK in the Let’s Go Zero 2030 campaign.
Let’s Go Zero is the national campaign uniting teachers, pupils, parents and their schools as they all work together to be zero carbon by 2030. Every school that signs up is pledging to work towards a more sustainable future while calling for much-needed government support to help all schools reach their zero carbon goals.
Targets across schools were set to encourage a creative approach towards helping the environment, these targets were set way before the energy price hikes and increases in the cost of living communities have experienced in the last 12 months.
There have been some great examples across the Trust of the types of work being done within schools and the community including meat-free Mondays, litter picking, foodbanks, “Energy Saving Champions”, gardening clubs and recycling.
Helen Rowland, Chief Executive Officer at Focus-Trust, said: “The Lets Go Zero campaign has been amazing in supporting the continuation of our sustainability efforts Trust wide.
“By taking lots of small steps towards being more environmentally friendly, our schools are responding to our children’s demand that we protect our planet and lead the way in our communities.
“We are incredibly proud of all the work children are doing across the schools, all whilst learning about sustainability on the way.”
Focus-Trust is a charitable primary schools trust which is based in the North West of England and West Yorkshire with a vision of providing ‘great schools at the heart of our communities’ where children thrive, achieve and succeed.