York House, a local independent prep school on the outskirts of Croxley Green, has announced its intent to move towards an 11+ co-educational model from September 2026.
The school will phase out its current Year 7 and Year 8 cohorts over the coming two years as it outlines a brand new strategy in keeping with national and local trends moving away from the traditional 13+ transfer to senior school.
Helen Regan, Chair of Governors at York House, explained: “Moving away from Year 7 and 8 is a strategic decision for the school. We engaged with several senior schools ahead of the decision and we recognise that as a thriving co-educational prep school, the vast majority of girls’ schools focus entirely on 11+ and the majority of our boys that feed into the independent market as well as local state schools, also offer entry at 11+.”
During the phased approach, the current Year 6 and 7 pupils will move as usual into Year 7 and 8 in September 2024, but this will also mark the last Year 7 cohort at the school. September 2025 will include the last Year 8 cohort who will leave in the summer of 2026. The current Year 5 and below will all move to senior schools at 11+ and as a result, York House will become an 11+ school from September 2026.
Jon Gray, Head Teacher at York House, said: “There are many exciting opportunities for the school in becoming fully 11+ and these have been discussed in great detail. We have also consulted with our current Year 5 parents as they are most closely affected by the decision.”
In line with the changes, in 2026 the school’s current “Leavers Programme” will move to Year 6, and some of the trips and experiences that have always sat in the Upper School of Year 7 and 8 will find new homes in the school in Year 5 and 6. There will also be more leadership opportunities for Year 6 pupils as a result of the transition.
Mr Gray added: “It is very important to us that our pupils across the year groups experience the best ‘York House Way’ and the adventure-led education that we aim to provide. We are also celebrating an excellent inspection report as a co-educational school and these structural changes will allow the school to thrive from a position of strength, with the highest number of pupils ever in the school, since its foundation in 1910, being this summer term 2024.”