Woodmancote Primary School recognised by leading child trauma organisation, Headsight, for its therapeutic approach

Headteacher Gary Tucker of Woodmancote Primary School has recently received the Headsight 2023 Trauma-Informed & Therapeutic School Award on behalf of the staff.

Tony France, director of Headsight said, “We can all struggle with our mental health. At Headsight, we support people to improve their mental health, we do this through training and therapeutic interventions. We encourage a compassionate approach; recognising that all behaviour is a form of communication.

“Woodmancote School has been recognised today for continued growth around its responses to childhood trauma and working therapeutically with its most vulnerable pupils. We hope that other senior leaders, SENCOs and TAs will follow in Woodmancote’s footsteps and be trained in implementing a whole school therapeutic approach.”

Over a three-year period, with the support of the senior leadership team, key staff have engaged in trauma-informed and therapeutic practice qualifications whilst more than 85% of the whole school staff have completed an introduction to understanding psychological trauma. Through Headsight and the Trauma Action Group (TAG), staff have received help to embed new learning into their day-to-day practice, creating an environment where improved relationships now mean that learning and fun can happen.

Gary Tucker, headteacher from Woodmancote said, “We have worked hard to build and evidence our understanding and approach to working with trauma and we are delighted that this has been recognised. Working with Headsight and TAG has enabled us to understand what drives behaviour, a willingness to adapt and the determination to meet the needs of every child.”

Trauma can take all shapes and sizes and we know that it can have an impact on children’s ability to learn, build relationships and thrive. Working therapeutically with children who have been impacted by trauma helps reduce the longer-term impact, this can lead to a reduction in school exclusions, children becoming more resilient and going on to build healthier relationships.

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