Manchester is the venue for Transforming SEND & Alternative Provision: Getting provision right for children, young people & families.
The conference will take place Friday 28th June 2024, from 09:30 – 16:00 at Venue Manchester, The Panorama Suite, 11 Portland St, Manchester M1 3HU.
Organised by the team behind the annual Tes SEND Show in London, this conference has been developed in response to requests for local events in the North of England to help manage national issues, locally.
The sessions will cover the full 0 – 25 age range and are aimed at:
- Headteachers
- Local Authority staff
- SENCOs and members of the SLT
- Governors
- Curriculum / Subject Leads
- Early Years Staff, Teaching Assistants and Support Staff
- Health and Social Care practitioners
- CEOs of Trusts
SEND and Alternative Provision are going to be hot topics in the run up to the General Election. This event will help you to:
- Engage with the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan and be part of the solution
- Be proactive in moving strategy and practice forward while retaining the best of what you already do
- Support the work of the change programme’s regional expert partnerships
- Find solutions that really work and seize the opportunity to positively influence outcomes
- Collaborate with local stakeholders to deliver local solutions and network with local peers
Children in classrooms right across the country are facing extraordinary challenges and staff need the right support and training to understand and respond appropriately to their needs. This is a key opportunity to hear from experts and learn from settings that are developing good practice.
Speakers include:
Liz Franey, Deputy Director, SEND Systems, Outcomes and Experiences Division, DfE
Janet Collins, Head of Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools, DfE
Ben Solly, Principal, Uppingham Community College, Rutland
Dr Geraldine Codina, Associate Professor of Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability (ISEND), University of Derby
To view the full programme and to register visit
Early bird rate: £195 before 17th May
Full rate: £245