NHS Grampian’s Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Team is one of four across Scotland currently trialing the success of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) programmes for the parents, teachers and carers of anxious children and young people, as well as for young people themselves.
If successful, the availability of these programmes is likely to be rolled out across Scotland.
CAMHS Service Manager in Grampian, Amanda Farquharson (left of picture) explains: “Existing international research on the effectiveness of internet-delivered interventions for young people who are struggling with their mental health is limited. Our team sees huge potential, particularly in terms of early intervention and helping those around children and young people to gain support and advice, and we are very pleased to be taking part in this trial.”
The programmes are available online, via trusted partner SilverCloud, and include ‘Supporting an Anxious Child’ and ‘Supporting an Anxious Teen.’ These are designed to help any adult who has a caring role, using evidence-based approaches.
For young people themselves, the programmes which are designed for those aged 15+ cover ‘Space from Anxiety’, ‘Space from Low Mood’ and ‘Space from Low Mood and Anxiety’. They are specifically designed to help young people manage and overcome overwhelming feelings of anxiety, worry, panic and low mood.
Paul Toseland (right of picture), cCBT Lead for NHS Grampian, is leading the trial locally. He adds: “While anxiety, worry and panic can play a healthy role in alerting us to problems or challenges, they can easily become overwhelming, ongoing and ultimately debilitating, especially in our busy, constantly connected, modern world. Having space to explore these issues, the causes of them and address them can be hugely beneficial for children and young people.
“We have seen a huge rise in the number of young people coming forward with concerns in recent years and we hope this will help ensure they and their families can access support as quickly as possible.
“I think anyone who is a parent or carer or is involved in supporting young people can relate to the overwhelming feeling of worry we can have when faced with some of the more extreme emotions of children and young people we care so much for. Parents in particular tell us this can feel very isolating and we hope this can go some way towards addressing that, with the benefit of trusted advice and guidance.”
The courses for adults who have a caring role are open to anyone living in Grampian and are accessible by visiting: https://cypgrampian.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/ and using the access code: Grampian
For now, the programmes for young people are only available by referral if a child or young person is being supported by CAMHS. The hope is in the future young people will be able to access these directly through referral from their school or GP.