Entrust introduces SENDSpace

In an education environment that is slowly being devolved from centrally provided support and with the number of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) increasing for a third consecutive year, it has become imperative that schools and academies seek alternative provision for training, monitoring and upskilling staff to meet the needs of children with SEND.

At Entrust, we understand that with the correct processes and educational provisions in place, all pupils can be supported to thrive and succeed, and have therefore developed SENDSpace.

SENDSpace is the BRAND NEW whole school development programme that will support you to successfully implement the graduated response and create better outcomes for your pupils. The programme is designed to support education leaders, SENCos and practitioners to manage and achieve high-quality provision for all children and young people with regard to the Code of Practice (2014) and Equality Act (2010).

The programme is available anytime and anywhere. Users will be guided through their own, role-specific, self-evaluation and development programme, supporting their professional development and providing valuable evidence of whole school improvement over time.

Everyone in your setting can have a login to access our training and resources to address their areas of need or interest.

For only £175, your school can access:

  • Three self-evaluation tools aimed at School Leaders, SENCos and Practitioners
  • Targeted professional development such as online training, train the trainer packs, top tips and templates
  • SENDRecruit enabling schools to advertise vacancies to the market place
  • SENDConnect enabling peer-to-peer support connecting colleagues
  • Invaluable advice through our ‘Ask the Expert’ feature

To find out more about SENDSpace, visit our www.send-space.co.uk or call us on 0333 300 1900.

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