How To Encourage Parents To Send Their Children Back To School This September

As schools prepare to reopen, many teachers are apprehensive about how many students will actually be returning.

After all, many parents are uneasy about sending their kids back to school, and this might make your preparations difficult.

While keeping kids at home might seem like a viable option for many parents, homeschooling could leave them behind and mean that they struggle to achieve the qualifications that they need to succeed in the future.

As such, you should work with parents to help them understand that your school is doing its best to keep their precious children safe. Here are some handy tips to help you encourage parents to send their children back to school next term.

Ask For Feedback

Your school will never be able to meet parents’ expectations if it doesn’t know what they are. As such, you should communicate with parents to find out what they want your school to do to keep their children safe, and then see how viable each solution is so that you can implement as many as possible. If parents are making unreasonable demands based on false information, then communicate with them and inform them of the truth about the virus and how it spreads.

Work With A Professional Cleaning Company

Show parents that you are committed to keeping your school clean and safe for their children by working with a professional cleaning company. Ideal Cleaning specializes in commercial cleaning and works with a wide range of schools and education providers, so the team can offer a tailored solution that meets your needs and ensures that your school is clean and safe in time for the new term and that it stays that way.

Follow Government Advice To The Letter

Many parents are turning to the government for advice and information, so make sure that your school follows government guidelines and abides by every regulation. It can be confusing when the government makes contradictory statements but do your best to interpret their information correctly and make the best possible decisions for your students and staff.

Install Hand Sanitizer Stations Throughout Your School

As the virus is transmitted through water droplets, touching your face and skin can help the virus to spread. The best way to reduce the spread is to keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face, but this can be tough for kids, especially young ones. Install hand sanitizer stations throughout your school so that they can always keep their hands clean and reduce the spread of the virus.

Embrace Technology

Shared textbooks and printed handouts could harbour germs and be unsafe, so instead embrace technology. Consider installing projects in every classroom, so that teachers can show the entire class visual resources that they can’t touch. This approach will save your school a lot of wastage and money, as well as making it safer for children and teachers alike. Check out projectors that use remote controls, so that staff don’t have to touch as many surfaces

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