Do you have an Appropriate Body ready for your NQT this September?

NQTSpace is a dedicated space for the successful induction of NQT’s to evaluate, develop and review their practice to meet the Teachers’ Standards. The digital platform is available 24/7 which complements and enhances the NQT induction process. NQTSpace is aligned to the Teachers’ Standards and provides expert advice, high quality professional development materials and a range of resources.

The NQTSpace approach is based upon a self-evaluation, development and review cycle. The digital platform provides a variety of professional development on-demand training sessions, alongside a wealth of resources to help address areas of development to meet the Teachers’ Standards. NQTs may wish to complete each stage independently, or work in partnership with the NQT mentor to complement the mentoring received in school. For those teachers who have recently successfully completed the NQT induction, the NQTSpace development approach will provide structure and guidance for moving into the performance management process. NQTSpace also provides a wide range of high-quality resources to support NQTs, including: top tips, thought leadership articles, induction resources, newsletters and the latest news in education.

NQTSpace key features include:

  • The full range of services of Entrust as the Appropriate Body Service.
  • Self-evaluation against the Teachers’ Standards.
  • Professional development activities aligned to the Teachers’ Standards.
  • Action plan based on identified areas for development.
  • Downloadable resources including thought leadership and top tips.
  • Invaluable advice through our ‘Ask the Expert’ feature.
  • Facility to network with other NQTs via NQTConnect.

NQTSpace is the part of our wider digital support package, EducationSpace. EducationSpace, is the ‘go-to’ place for support, guidance, and tools to build sustainable school improvement. Schools will find inspiration, innovative thinking and a growing body of detailed resources to help raise standards and improve outcomes for teachers, leaders, staff, pupils and governors.

 “EducationSpace will provide education professionals access to industry leading expertise, personalised support, mentoring, skills and knowledge. This digital offer enables universal access due to its flexibility and cost effectiveness” Jayne Thorpe, Entrust Director of Education Services.

To find out more, please visit or email

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