Would an extra £26,000 fill any gaps in your school budget?

With an in-house team of two or more ICT support technicians working alongside a network manager, then it’s likely that you’re paying too much for your IT staff costs, especially when you consider the ever-increasing National Insurance and pension liabilities.

Add on to this the extra cost of any support contacts you have with third parties, such as your infrastructure or wireless, and any consultants you might use occasionally for that expert opinion, and your IT budget could easily be at least £26,000 overspent.

Very often, schools with in-house ICT support teams simply don’t have the resources at their disposal to effectively support every technology the school has, or wants. If you are paying high salaries, or recruiting extra staff or consultants to ensure that you can cover all of the skillsets needed to support your school, then you may find that elements of co-sourcing or even outsourcing your ICT support to a partner such as RM will prove much more cost effective, and allow you to focus more resources into the classroom.

If you have stable broadband and properly configured filtering, switch, server and wireless systems, then the opportunity to use RM’s remote engineers to resolve complex issues becomes a highly cost-effective option that can also deliver service improvements.

We are able to deliver a faster, more efficient and more cost-effective support service by providing remote support to resolve issues that can be dealt with over the internet, and to support your in-house IT team with advice and guidance on how to resolve the root cause of issues.

Additionally our Proactive Checks team start work at 3am, running over 205 separate checks to identify and resolve around 15% of all your ICT issues before you even start your school day, reducing the workload on your in-house team.

This means you can reduce your operating costs by down-sizing your IT support team or redeploying your IT technicians to provide more classroom support, helping teachers make the best use of existing software, devices and peripherals.

Compared to a national IT support provider like RM, a small local IT support provider or an in-house team simply can’t have the same breadth of expertise, and often also do not have the skills, time, connections or experience to fully diagnose an issue and identify a solution., and end up fixing symptoms not root causes.

If you would like to see how much you could save visit www.rm.com/getextra today.

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