Are the children in your schools eating well and ready to learn? Is your catering service financially viable?

cft01Massively subsidised by Government as a key part of the School Food Plan, Make school meals count is a support programme to help you attract more children to have school meals.

We’ll help you attract more children to eat well by choosing school meals.

Vital for children

There’s a national obesity crisis and it’s affecting children.

Unless they learn to eat a balanced diet, their health and their lives are at risk.

School meals give children the balanced nutrition they need to learn and grow well.

In fact, research shows that when children eat a school meal in a pleasant dining environment they can concentrate and learn better in the afternoon.

Vital for the financial viability of your catering service

Did you know most school meals services are running at a loss? Economies of scale matter – higher demand means higher turnover and potential profit


We’ll help you boost turnover by attracting more children to choose school meals.

Make school meals count is for junior, secondary, academy, and free schools, and pupil referral units in the South East, South West and East of England.


It’s led by the Children’s Food Trust, with Food Dudes Health (for junior schools) and Elygra Marketing (for secondary schools).

Visit or call 0114 299 6901

Make school meals count is supported by ParentPay and LACA (Lead Association for Catering in Education).

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