Use your pupil premium funding to pay for tuition with proven results

exp-learning-01Why choose Explore Learning tuition for your pupils?

At Explore Learning we offer individualised and targeted maths and English support for children from Key Stage 1-3. Our aim is to support children both academically and personally, nurturing improvements in attainment but also attitude, confidence and behaviour. By delivering the highest standard of individualised support, we strive to develop skills which are directly transferable to the classroom.

Explore Learning work alongside your school to support the individual needs of your pupils. Each child will have their own unique programme, which is mapped to the National Curriculum.

Explore Learning centres are vibrant places where children receive positive encouragement, certificates and prizes for their great work. Also, because they will be at the centre at the same time as our other members, they will not feel like they are being ‘singled out’ for extra help.

Children work with inspiring tutors that are all Enhanced Disclosure CRB/DBS checked and hired in line with our Ofsted Registration.

Explore Tuition is highly cost effective, with tuition from just £12 per hour. We provide detailed reporting on each child’s progress, so that your school can publish the impact that your Pupil Premium spending has had.


How does it work?

We begin by meeting with you so that we can discuss the individual needs of each of your pupils, and plan their learning pathway together.

We will then create an individualised programme for each pupil, based on our initial assessment of them, as well as feedback from your school.

Pupils attend their local Explore Learning centre up to twice a week. Drop-off and collection can either be made by a teacher or a parent/guardian.

Comprehensive, ongoing feedback is provided for teachers as well as parents. Explore will also provide detailed information for you to use in your Pupil Premium reporting.

Award-winning tuition and proven results

“Parents indicate that they have noticed, since their child joined Explore Learning, that their child has both a greater interest in maths and English and have significantly improved their school performance.”

Study into the efficacy of Explore Learning by the University of Reading – Headline Summary, 2012

exp-learning-03The University of Reading ran a study into the efficacy of Explore Learning tuition over the academic year 2011/12. This study was a large scale, independent piece of research and showed that Explore members made significant academic and attitudinal progress compared to their peers at school.

The study showed that “Explore Learning members’ improvement in maths was 30% higher than that of the comparison group after controlling for gender, age, year group and special educational needs.” The study also found that “Building confidence, overcoming shyness to put up their hand to ask for help, being more independent and less reluctant to try without assistance were all elements that parents recognised in their children and directly attributed to Explore Learning.”

The full report can be viewed at

What teachers think

“Our pupils have benefited through working with Explore tutors; Explore has improved their knowledge in numeracy and literacy and I have seen their confidence increase through their experience at Explore.”

Mrs Claxton, Headteacher, Larkrise Primary School, Chelmsford

“We are working closely with Explore Learning to ensure that children from low income backgrounds make the same level of progress as their peers. All tutors are very professionsal and helpful, and always deliver to the highest standard, whether they are supporting our pupils or feeding back to members of staff with attendance and progress reports. Our school assessment reveals that every pupil that has attended at least 20 sessions have shown progress in both English and Maths, with some pupils gaining one National Curriculum level which is exceptional progress.”

R.Chagger, Teacher, St Clere’s School “Very beneficial – children thoroughly engaged and were eager to participate…A fantastic experience for ALL children.”

N.Metham, Teacher, Haseltine Primary School

exp-learn-logoInterested in finding out more?

Explore Learning has over 90 centres across the UK. Contact us to arrange a free consultation about your pupils’ individual needs. To find your local centre, or for more information visit our website.

01483 447 414

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