McAVOY wins place on new £500m public sector framework

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded four lots on its new £500m Modular Building Solutions framework to The McAvoy Group. CCS is the largest public sector procurement organisation in the UK. Under the new agreement, McAvoy has secured the opportunity to provide bespoke modular buildings and interim hire facilities with a particular focus on education and healthcare. It will operate for the next four years and covers England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Group was successful in winning a number of major free school projects under the previous CCS modular building contract which were built offsite.

In addition to the Group’s permanent modular building solutions which have a design life of up to 60 years, the provision of high-quality interim accommodation for hire allows schools, hospitals and other organisations to react quickly to changing local needs. McAvoy can provide decent facilities for redevelopment projects and buildings to help meet short-term peaks in service demand, such as additional classrooms.
028 8774 0372

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