One Protection – One Source – One less Problem

One Protection supplies a comprehensive range of PPE products and solutions to businesses returning to work. We are opening this supply channel to key sectors we wish to support, Education is first, many of us are concerned parents and we care.

As a business to business supplier we are nimble and responsive, with high stock levels, and the ability to process and dispatch orders in 24 hours via UPS delivery.

Are you having supply issues, being unethically price gouged and or being overloaded with problems, One Protection can offer quick and accessible solutions.

What will the ‘new normal be’?

Certainly different from what we have known before the world was struck by the Covid 19 pandemic.  Socially and in the span of Education, we will now focus far more on Hygiene, Health and Wellbeing, with greater caring and consideration for ourselves and those around us.

One Protection has new product ranges which are specifically designed with the ‘new normal’ in mind.

The low cost Perspex desk dividers (designed by One Protections’ MD, to assist his own children’s schools to a safe and eventual return to education) these can be supplied for as low as £15 per set.

A touchless hand sanitizer dispenser , specifically with young, tactile children in mind, along with a  comprehensive range of hygiene, cleaning products and PPE.

As a British company we seek to source and manufacture locally within the UK, however we constantly look for innovative solutions and products internationally.

Many of our products can be printed with bespoke instructions or School logos, consider Perspex dividers printed ‘Caring for – You -Our School  -Our Community’ to unite all in a common purpose.

We are aware that traditional supply channels, especially in Education, are struggling to meet demand and we can offer a fast solution to give you one less problem to tackle.

To assist you now, we have return to school packs which will help you and your staff return to ‘the new normal’ safely. Check out our packs on our website.

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