Upskilling yourself as a senior education leader with In Professional Development

We understand that in light of current circumstances the roles and responsibilities of an education leader are unprecedented. We can provide you with the toolbox and expertise to face challenges head on and guide you out on the other side, as a more effective, confident leader.

We are offering Education Today members a discounted rate on our Senior Education Leadership Programme (PGCert), which is delivered in partnership with the University of East London.

At In Professional Development we strive to create positive, lasting learning experiences that deliver real world impact, working with our partners to deliver highly interactive programmes which are designed to strengthen the learner’s mind and skillset.

Our Senior Education Leadership programme provides you with a unique opportunity, as a current or future senior leader, to further develop your knowledge and skills around leading educational contexts successfully. Equipping you with the knowledge and skillset to become a more effective and confident leader.

The programme is delivered to you via our virtual classroom using interactive video conferencing and is set over 5 days. The sessions will be led by an industry sector expert, and will cover 4 key areas:

  • Self as Leader in Education
  • Working in the Strategic Environment
  • Business Planning and Building a Strategy in Education
  • Improvement Methodology and Delivering Excellence in Education

Using a blend of theory and real-world experiences, you will explore and tackle issues that directly relate to the current field of national education and educational leadership. Challenging you to critically think about how to meet the needs of your policies, staff and students using strategic leadership approaches and strategies.

Education Today members have the option to attend the Senior Education Leadership Programme on an accredited or non-accredited basis. The accredited route is made up of 2 work-based assessments one around Leading change and the other around Strategic and Reflective Leadership in Education. Upon successful completion, you will receive your PGCert for Senior Education Leaders from the University of East London.

For further information on the discounted rate and Senior Education Leadership Programme, please contact:

Stuart Thompson
T: 0161 509 2999


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