Surface & Pen are great in the classroom.

microsoftsurface_011_librarybench-02999_vs_r2bSurface brings all the best tools for teaching and learning together in one device. With best-in-class digital inking capabilities, Surface can replace pen and paper in the classroom.

Windows & Office

Surface is designed to provide the best Windows and Office1 experience with digital inking, split-screen views, and both touch and desktop apps.

sur_3_family_1_b_bl-1Works anywhere

Surface is mobile, durable, supports online and offline capabilities, and is compatible with standard IT environments on and off campus.


Surface is a touch tablet and a fully productive laptop that supports innovative teachers in creating transformative educational experiences.


Surface and Windows help provide the foundation for a consistent, controlled, and protected technology environment across your whole school.

Bundle and save.

Educational institutions qualify for discounts when bundling Surface devices and accessories.

1 Sold separately.



Surface education bundles including keyboard and pen start from £582.66 excluding VAT. Contact 0800 035 0799 or email for details.

0800 035 0799

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