The British Army’s LGBTQ+ education resources educate students on inclusion this Pride Month

The LGBTQ+ resources help students aged 11-16 to build their understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, explore the contributions of LGBTQ+ Army personnel past and present, the impact of examples of exclusion and inclusion on their lives, and explain how we can all become better allies to other communities and groups.

The LGBTQ+ Resources

These LGBTQ+ resources include a lesson plan, assembly, case studies and films to help students understand the key laws that have been passed to give the LGBTQ+ community the rights they deserve, explain what it means to be an LGBTQ+ ally and evaluate ways the Army shows allyship to the LGBTQ+ community.

With curriculum links to PSHE, Citizenship and History, the resources offer simple and interactive tasks to equip young people with the appropriate language and context to use when speaking about the LGBTQ+ community.

The resources are part of the British Army’s dedication to addressing the inequalities within the organisation and raising awareness of the contributions of LGBTQ+ service people both historically and now.

The Lesson Plan

The lesson plan begins with a timeline of the key historical events for LGBTQ+ people from the 1500s to the present. The resources aim to show the progress made on inclusivity within the Army and in wider society.

Other activities look to recognise and celebrate the contributions of historical and current LGBTQ+ Army personnel including WWI soldier Edward Brittain and Deborah Penny, the first trans soldier in the British Army.

Students can also learn how they can be supportive of all LGBTQ+ people, and other groups and communities, through the allyship video resource.

The video resource features current serving LGBTQ+ soldiers discussing allyship, which shows students how they can be supportive of all LGBTQ+ people – and other groups and communities – through their language, attitudes and actions.

The Assembly

The assembly resource builds on these key themes by profiling six historical LGBTQ+ figures, such as the mathematician Alan Turing and poet Wilfred Owen, and asks students to reflect on their contributions during World War 1 and World War 2.

This is followed by a film that again includes the reflections featuring current LGBTQ+ soldiers, addressing the significance of LGBTQ+ history to them and the progress that has been made by the Army to ensure everyone feels welcome.

The resources show the progress made by society, but also focus on the work each individual student can do to ensure their school community is inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community, which is especially relevant this Pride Month in the UK.

Where can I find the resources?

You can download the resources now at:

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