Are you looking to improve your students’ reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension?

Reading Solutions UK provides exceptional educational technology solutions that improve outcomes for schools, educators, and young learners.

They do this through providing the online adaptive reading development programme, Reading Plus. The software:

• Accelerates reading growth.
• Closes the reading gap.
• Encourages reluctant readers.
• Reduces teacher workload.

An evidence-based programme.In 2021/22, Reading Solutions UK collaborated with Derby Research School and Spencer Academy Trust in a year-long efficacy study. The study was a success as the results showed:

• On average, pupils who used Reading Plus as a reading development tool made 36% more progress than non-users.
• Control school pupils scored higher on average in their first test than pupils using Reading Plus. However, after one term of usage, Reading Plus pupils closed this reading gap achieving the same scores as control school pupils.
• Reading Plus pupils achieved a rise of six marks on their scaled scores, ending with a pass of 102.
• On average, disadvantaged children using Reading Plus made 97% more progress than disadvantaged children in the control schools.
• On average, boys who used Reading Plus made 45% more progress than boys in the control schools who did not have access to the programme.

Verity Lee, Assistant Headteacher at Sunnyside Spencer Academy (one of the six Reading Plus schools involved in the study), said: “I just wanted to thank you for all your support with Reading Plus this year. Our wonderful Year 6 tackled the SATs paper with ease and excellent stamina and achieved 93% EXS and 43% GDS. This significantly increased from our 2019 results of 63% EXS and 13% GD.”

Improve students’ fluency to help them access academic texts.
The programme uses the patented Reading Plus Guided Window to support the development of reading fluency. This scaffolds the reading experience by guiding the reader’s eyes left-to-right across a page utilising a moving box. The speed of the box is specific to each student and increases when the student demonstrates good comprehension and stamina.

Close the gap for disadvantaged students.
As a company, they are passionate about supporting all children to expand their horizons through engaging and informative texts, particularly those from disadvantaged or challenging backgrounds. In the same Derby Research Study, students eligible for pupil premium made 97% more progress than the control school students of the same demographic.

Save time with Reading Plus.
The programme includes independent online activities, teacher-led instruction, and data-driven progress monitoring reports. For students needing additional support, interventional materials (lesson plans and worksheets) are available on the programme and link to specific reading domains.

Try a free pilot to test its impact.
Reading Solutions UK offer schools, multi-academy trusts, and local authorities the option to try Reading Plus for free, as they believe it is essential that decisions to implement new programmes are made on three factors – impact, sustainability, and scalability.

For more information about Reading Plus or to try a free four-week free pilot, please:
0191 389 6078

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