More chances for schoolchildren to hold a meteorite!

A free scheme which allows UK schoolchildren to hold a piece of outer space in their hands has undergone a major revamp and now offers exciting new teaching resources and new meteorite samples.

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has been working with the National Space Academy to update their ‘Borrow the Moon’ kit – which is now available to be loaned to schools.

These packs feature samples of rock brought back from the Moon by the NASA the Apollo mission astronauts as well as a meteorite from Mars, which the children are able to handle. Since the update, the packs now also include a new meteorite hunters kit, a new teacher planning pack and exciting new web-based resources and online support videos for all age groups, from primary to secondary.

The number of kits available to schools has also increased from four to six. The new contents and teaching materials have been developed with teachers to ensure the kits are relevant and accessible. STFC’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Brian Bowsher, said: “We are thrilled to be able to offer this unique opportunity to young people. It is not often they will be able to see close-up, and actually touch, such important fragments of science history.

“Samples like these are vital in teaching us more about our solar system, allowing us to turning theories into fact. We hope this experience will encourage the students to take up a career in science.”

STFC is the only authorised source for the loan of the Apollo lunar samples to to educational or scientific organisations within the United Kingdom and these packages are available free of charge to schools, including special security delivery/collection.

The process of applying for the new kit remains the same and more information can be found at

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