Losing Valuable Teaching Time?

Technology is making a significant impact within the education world, with students and staff now entering schools and universities with their personal tablets and laptops, a place to securely store and charge devices has become essential.

iLockerz are electronic lockers that offer an impregnable location to store and re-charge personal items. The intelligent systems – accessed by existing ID card or number – give students and staff secure storage 24 hours a day, with the added benefit of live, web-based reporting showing availability and ensuring effective use.

Wilkinson Primary School, based in the West Midlands, identified issues with the management of valuable school laptops with access to confidential information. Staff laptops that are used daily for teaching and lesson planning, as well as administration and compliance purposes, are vital for the
learning of pupils at the primary school.

The iLockerz team worked with Wilkinson Primary School to identify the best system for their requirements, providing a 12- compartment locker system allows the school to securely manage, access and charge these important devices. Christina Gibbon, Head Teacher at Wilkinson Primary School said: “The new locker system is proving very successful with all of our staff. We rely on these computers to assist our teachers in providing quality learning to our pupils and with sensitive pupil information that can be accessed via software installed on these laptops, it is imperative that we take all measures to ensure that only authorised members of staff can gain access to this information.”

Christina continues: “iLockerz has allowed us to address these issues and provides anadditional secure charging point for personal items such as mobile phones or tablets should our teachers require it.”

For more detail about the Wilkinson Primary School installation and other iLockerz projects please contact your asset management experts on +44 (0) 121 270 6153 or via tellmemore@ilockerz.com

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