Scotland’s first complex needs college appoints Head of College

Scotland’s first dedicated complex needs college has appointed its inaugural Head of
College ahead of classes starting this month. Liz McConnachie will take the reins at Capability Scotland’s Corseford College in Renfrewshire as it prepares to welcome its first intake of 15 students to the campus. The new Head of College has been working to develop a sound curriculum which will support students with disabilities and whose needs can’t be met in mainstream colleges.

Liz comes with a wealth of experience in Senior Leadership in Scotland’s further education sector. She has also spent the last number of years in the Middle East having set up one of the First Female Technical Colleges in Saudi Arabia whilst working alongside its government.

Liz said: “This college is an absolute necessity for young people throughout much of Scotland that require additional support in further education. “While there are very admirable provisions in place in Scotland’s colleges, complex special needs are not accommodated for and we have found that many young people fall by the wayside after completing school because there is no further education provision that can directly cater for their needs.

“The government’s backing of Corseford College is welcomed and we must now demonstrate how and why similar setups are required in other parts of Scotland. The initial work we do here will amplify the need for this change in the Scottish education sector.”

Corseford College is being launched and operated by respected charity, Capability Scotland which has already invested £250,000 into the project – with a further £316,000 now pledged by the Scottish Government.

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