Pico Genie Portable Projectors: Maximise Your Space


Do you face daily challenges with space inside and outside your classroom? Do you use iPads, tablets, PCs or laptops? If the answer is yes, you should consider a Pico Genie portable LED projector with an inbuilt rechargeable battery which can help turn any space into a work space. This can maximise ALL your indoor and outdoor spaces including corridor walls, staff rooms or special needs areas.

Pico Genie projectors allow any wall space to be transformed into a work space, projecting images up to 150”. Simple to use, with instant on/off and no expensive bulbs to replace they are a great return on investment.

At Bett this year the Pico Genie projectors became popular in schools for multiple applications, ranging from head teacher meetings to creating artwork, displays, PE, music, gaming as well as a back-up whiteboard projector, to reduce any classroom downtime.

Head Teacher Clare Kelly, Dane Royd Primary School said, “the Pico Genie projectors are so useful for sharing data, digital content or documents like RAISEonline in the Headteacher’s office with the SLT or Governors. They are ideal for projecting content for staff meetings in the comfort of the staff room or for one to one learning spaces / intervention groups. Moreover, displays and sensory environments are now easily created anywhere on a low budget.”

Visit www.picogenie.com to see the great range of value for money portable projectors, ranging from the Pico Genie P50 Pro (£185) to the Pico Genie M400 (£449)

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