TG Escapes – bespoke modular eco buildings inspiring in education

TG Escapes design bespoke modular eco buildings for schools and colleges that encourage environmental citizenship, outdoor learning, and help re-connect students with nature.

The fast modular process minimises disruption ensuring educational continuity and cost certainty. Every project starts with a FREE site visit and survey to understand your detailed requirements and provide one all inclusive price for a full service including;

  • Planning permission/ building regulations
  • Foundations and clearance
  • Service connections

A small school building can be ready to use in as little as six weeks from planning consent.

The biophilic architectural principle is to incorporate natural elements at every opportunity, from the materials used to the lighting, air quality and acoustics, offering a building’s occupants an effortless connection with nature and the outdoors. Crucial design elements are exposure to natural light, views of nature and easy physical access to the outside.

Any school that is in need of expanding is probably already operating at maximum capacity, in terms of both space and staff, and the notion of a noisy, disruptive traditional building extension is likely to be unwelcome. Added to which, tight budgets and time constraints often incline a school towards a temporary mobile classroom, conjuring an image of unsightly, uncomfortable and uninspiring mobile structures craned into the most easily accessible spot.

However, for no extra cost (and considerably less than a conventional build) there are alternatives that can provide a permanent, bright and inspirational classroom

One of the most significant advantages of a modular building is that the components can be assembled elsewhere while onsite preparations such as foundations and amenity connections occur simultaneously. Not only is the construction process shorter, but fewer workers spend fewer hours onsite significantly reducing labour costs.

A standalone classroom, set apart from the main school buildings can serve to establish a vital connection with nature, and will have an entirely different, tranquil feeling from the rest of the school. For those students with special needs, it can also open up a wealth of new opportunity to spend time in the outdoors that was previously inaccessible to them.

Most cognitive experts agree that the classroom environment has a significant impact upon a child’s ability to develop and learn. Sensitive location, combined with biophilic building design, can have a profound impact upon mental well-being, intellectual development and social skills.

Exposure to natural light stimulates the production of serotonin which, among its many physical benefits, plays a vital role in maintaining mood balance and promoting a sense of happiness. Views of nature are increasingly being shown to alleviate chronic low-grade stress and actually going outside into the natural environment has a positive impact upon physical and mental health. Furthermore, easy access to the outdoors for both learning and play enhances socio-economic development by improving discipline and concentration, promoting creativity and encouraging positive social interactions.

  • We have built over 700 Eco Buildings in 12 years including sports pavilions, chapels, two storey classroom blocks, staff rooms, teacher training facilities, nurseries, SEND spaces
  • Our Eco Buildings have won national design awards
  • We are members of the British Educational Suppliers Association
  • TG Escapes customers awarded us 4.9 out of 5, based on 137 reviews

“You are in effect getting a permanent building for half the cost of bricks and mortar. We were intrigued by TG Escapes’ different approach to learning environments and after visiting their other projects we were blown away.” Lee Alexander, Head of Finance, Shotton Hall Academy

‘The most common reaction when a new family enters the building is “WOW!”.’ Diane Wycherley Tops Day Nurseries

info@tgescapes @learningescape

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