Fourteen UK schools and almost forty in countries from Mexico to New Zealand have been recognised for their students’ attainment in maths by Whizz Education, provider of the award-winning virtual tutor Maths-Whizz.
Richard Marett, CEO, Whizz Education, confirms. “We have launched our distinguished school programme to highlight and reward the continuous success of teachers and students who have shown outstanding progress in our Whizz Education maths learning programme, the Maths-Whizz Suite. Distinguished educators within these schools are now invited to share knowledge with distinguished educators in schools from around the world at exclusive events as well as input into product development and marketing, to further develop maths education for all students to achieve better learning outcomes.
“This is just the beginning of our distinguished schools and educator programme, and we anticipate involvement and knowledge sharing will contribute significantly to the development, further enhancement and implementation of enhanced quality learning programmes that cater to individual needs and pace of learning for the benefit of students across the world.”
To qualify for distinguished status, schools needed to demonstrate accelerated learning in maths, where students have passed a minimum of three tests each week over the course of the academic year. Students achieve progressions through significant quality learning time spent using the virtual Maths-Whizz tutor. Progress is tracked in real-time and learning gains quantified by an increase in Maths Age (Whizz Education’s Maths Age is like the better-known ‘Reading Age’; it measures your child’s maths ability against the level we’d expect of an average student of their age). Where consistent improvement has been shown across a group of students, the school has been awarded distinguished school status.
Chris Edwards, headteacher, Reedham Primary and Whizz Education Distinguished School, explains: “We offer a nurturing and supportive environment, but we also always aim to find new ways to improve results. Maths-Whizz is tailored to the needs of each child, and pitches work at the right level. It’s also visual and appealing, providing structure balanced according to need. We’ve found since implementing Maths-Whizz, that our pupils have become better mathematicians because it enables them to practice what we teach in lessons.”
Richard Marett continues: “We work closely in partnership with all stakeholders in education globally to develop quality bespoke learning programmes delivered by our virtual tutor Maths-Whizz. 1 million students have now used Maths-Whizz across the world.
“As well as delivering measurable learning gains, personalised virtual tutoring means children’s confidence improves, and learning becomes a positive experience, especially in maths which is often viewed as a challenging subject. We are now looking forward to working with distinguished educators to share their insight and support in highlighting the benefits of virtual tutoring to new communities, helping all students regardless of their background, reach their full potential through individualised learning.”
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