Register now for the 2018 Academies Show

Now in its eighth year, The Academies Show is the leading education event for all schools, covering every facet of the education system.

The free-to-attend event presents a full programme of CPD certified content across 11 stages, which totals over 40 hours of incisive discussion (including a dedicated ‘Technology and Learning Open’ theatre). Running alongside the conference, over 150 suppliers will be on hand to demonstrate the very latest in education technology, designed to help schools save money, improve the learning experience and deliver outstanding pupil outcomes.

Taking place exactly one month before GDPR enforcement, we’re delighted to announce that the Department for Education and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will be delivering two important sessions surrounding preparation for GDPR compliance. The sessions will outline the support available to schools to effectively prepare for GDPR, exploring the impact of how out of date IT systems might have on compliance and highlighting the potential impact of fines for rule breaches.

With the matter of enforcement now only weeks away, it is vital that school leaders understand who the appropriate individual for the role of ‘Data Protection Officer’ is, and ensure they are fully aware of their responsibilities.

Constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing issues facing the education sector, The Academies Show has an exciting range of new and improved features for London in 2018. The Government Village returns bigger and better than before, staffed by representatives from the Department for Education, Education & Skills Funding Agency, Schools Commercial Team and the Standards & Testing Agency. The Government Village provides the opportunity to put your questions to senior department advisors and policymakers.

Following its successful debut at The Academies Show in 2017, the ‘Hot Seat’ returns once again with more speakers, more discussion and more opportunity to affect change in the education landscape. At route of the event is the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with your colleagues from academies, maintained schools, local authorities and education charities across the sector – something that can be done in abundance at the brand new ‘Central Networking Area’.

The 11 stages of content will be delivered in a variety of different formats, each designed to suit your individual needs; from panel discussions to seminars to informal interviews.

Chaired by Sir Steve Lancashire, the Main Stage provides the opportunity to hear from an impressive range of education leaders, including representatives from the Department for Education, Ofsted, FASNA and the NGA. Returning to the show this year, we have the FASNA sponsored MAT Summit, providing a unique insight into governance and best-practice and available funding for Multi Academy Trusts.

The beating heart of the Academies Show London is the exhibition floor, with a huge range of suppliers offering the latest technology to help with the issues you face in your school. From providers of the latest in cutting edge Edtech, including Adobe, Pearson, Smoothwall and Educare, to experts demonstrating products and services designed to reduce costs and improve classroom outcomes.

Put simply, this is not an event just for academies, but for all types of school. Delivered in partnership with the DfE, ESFA, OFSTED, STA, ICO, CCS and major sector associations such as FASNA, ASCL, NAHT, ISBL and NGA, this is the leading education policy event to support school business management, teaching quality and pupil outcomes.

The Academies Show takes place on the 25th April 2018 at ExCel London.

To register for free please visit:




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