School and academies show 2018 Birmingham

School improvement and enhancing pupil outcomes is always at the top of your agenda, so we have made it ours. The Schools & Academies Show Birmingham, taking place on 21st November is the place to hear debate, the latest policies and excellent practice.

Recently rebranded to encompass the entire schools landscape, The Schools & Academies Show is the place for all leaders in education to meet and exchange ideas and learn about new developments straight from the innovators. Packed with content and exhibitors galore, we are bringing together people, organisations and companies who are driving the sector forward.

Get the low down from every level

Representatives both sides of the aisle will be delivering keynotes this year, including the Minister for the School System, Lord Agnew, and Shadow Minister for Schools, Mike Kane MP. In one of his first speaking engagements in his new role, the new Interim National Schools Commissioner, Dominic Herrington will be talking on the Main Stage, as will EPI Chairman David Laws.

Key influencers such as Mark Lehain and Fiona Millar will be going tête-a-tête, and other sector heads such as Emma Wilson, Geoff Barton and Andy Mellor will grapple with important issues like Funding and Recruitment.

We will have hands-on practitioners too, with Heads, SENCOs, Governors and School Business Professionals showcasing best practice and lessons learned from every aspect of the education landscape. Top suppliers such as PS Financials, Eteach and EPM will also be showcasing how you can overcome any challenge in education, with a rich selection of case studies delivered by school leaders.

Policy, pedagogy and products

Constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing issues facing the education sector, The Schools & Academies Show has an exciting range of new and improved features for Birmingham in 2018.

The Government Village will answer all your policy questions, staffed by representatives from the Department for Education, Education & Skills Funding Agency, Schools Commercial Team and the Standards & Testing Agency. The Government Village provides the opportunity to put your questions to senior department advisors and policymakers, in addition to their many sessions across the agenda.

Following its successful debut last year, the ‘Hot Seat’ returns once again with new speakers, new topics and a renewed brief to tackle the thorniest issue, such as funding, mental health and the future of education.

New this year are large scale themed theatres, so whether it’s Funding & Income Generation, Governance & Leadership, or the MAT Summit, we have content that has been specially selected to address the biggest issues of the day.

The SEND Theatre has been expanded to meet demand, with sessions from nasen, autism specialists and best practice case studies, while our School Improvement Summit will be addressing everything from social mobility to VR technology.

Our Open Theatres pack a punch too, with Kirri Gooch from Google speaking at our Technology & Educational Resources Theatre; and one of the largest MATs in the country, Oasis Community Learning contributing to our Buildings, Energy and Estates Management Theatre. In our Business, Benchmarking & Financial Management Theatre, the DfE will be delivering an interactive workshop on the new Integrated Curriculum & Financial Planning Tool in concert with ISBL.

Where issues meet solutions

At the heart of the event is the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with your colleagues from academies, maintained schools, local authorities and education charities across the sector – something that can be done in abundance at the ‘Central Networking Area’.

The exhibition floor is the soul of the Schools & Academies Show Birmingham, with a huge range of suppliers offering the latest technology to help with the issues you face in your school. From providers of the latest in cutting edge in Edtech, including Telefonica, Toshiba and Virtue Technologies, to experts demonstrating products and services designed to reduce costs and improve pupil outcomes, such as Orovia, Sage and Schoolcomms.

We know what the most pressing issues are in education, so our exhibitors are on hand to solve them, including Eteach, Randstad and The Skills Network as some of our workforce specialists. If you have an estates issue, then look no further than Portakabin, Eddisons and Lancaster Maloney for advice.

New this year are themed zones where you can find these innovating companies, after their sessions with everything from Technology & Educational Resources, through Buildings, Estates & Energy Management to Sports & Healthy Kids and everything in between.

The face of the education sector

Put simply, this is the event for delegates from all types of school. Delivered in partnership with the DfE, ESFA, CCS and major sector associations such as CST (formerly FASNA), ASCL, NAHT, ISBL and NGA, this is the leading education policy event to support school business management, teaching quality and pupil outcomes.

The Schools & Academies Show takes place on the 21st November 2018 at the NEC, Birmingham.

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