Encouraging Children to Bee A Superhero: Flying Flowers Launches FREE Bee Education Pack to Primary Schools

Calling all teachers! Fancy bringing a buzz to your classroom in 2024? Here at Flying Flowers, we want to help. As a leading flower delivery company, we know a lot about sending happiness in a bouquet but, we’re also passionate about sustainability and saving wild bees. That’s why we’re launching our FREE Bee Education Pack which supports schools to sow the seeds and help pupils learn about the importance of bees. Forget Spiderman or Wonder Woman, with our pack, we’ll turn your classrooms into an exciting hive of Bee-saving Superheroes (cape optional)!

Aimed at children in Key Stages 1 and 2, our Bee Education Pack isn’t just another resource. We’ve worked closely with schools to ensure our pack supports national curriculum subjects and enables teachers to seamlessly include the activities in their lesson planning.

Key Features of the Bee Education Pack

Working through our Bee Education pack your students will appreciate the world of bees and the many different species in the UK – it’s not only honeybees and bumblebees! They’ll also get involved in a range of bee-saving activities that move from your classroom, to Forest School activities, into the playground and all the way home.

  • Engaging lesson plans that support core national curriculum subjects including Maths, PE, and Biology.
  • Hands-on exercises: learn how to spot and care for a bee in trouble or design your very own bee-house so they have somewhere to create their nests.
  • Interactive challenges: bee-come a detective and learn how to identify the different bees available in the UK or get up and active by creating the bee waggle dance.

Why Bees Need Help

Why are we on a mission to save the bees? It’s because they’re incredibly important in our ecosystem. Without bees there would be no flowers and it will be far more difficult to produce our favourite food. It’s not just honey either, with their flower-pollinating prowess, bees are masters at providing other tasty nibbles such as fruit, coffee and even chocolate!

The problem is the bee population is rapidly declining and we thought what better place to start saving them, than with the blossoming minds of the younger generation.

Interested in finding out more or would like a FREE Bee Education activity pack for your school? Give us a buzz at thebeehive@flyingflowers.co.uk.

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