BNTL announce that all its teaching resources are to be available as free downloads

Temperance charity BNTL produces teaching resources for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 aimed at helping teachers to educate the children in their care about alcohol and drugs.

The resources are neutral, relying on evidence and facts about the negative effects drugs have on the human body.

In the past BNTL Freeway has distributed a copy of resources free-of-charge to every primary school in the country. “But, inevitably the resource becomes the property of one teacher, they move schools and the resource is lost,” says Peter Swales, chairman. By making the resources free to anyone – every teacher can own their own copy – change it to suit the way they teach, adapt it to their particular situation and keep it for all time.

TAD3.inddThere are 6 different resources; Drugs and their dangers (Key stage 1); Alcohol and the body (Key Stage 2); Thinking about Drinking (Key Stage 3); Basic Drugs Awareness Lesson Plan (Key Stage 2) and two training courses aimed at people who work with the young but equally useful to teachers: Basic Drugs Awareness and Alcohol Awareness.

The resources will be available to download from BNTL Freeway’s new website. Anyone interested in downloading the resources can read about their content, and even use an on-line flipbook to inspect the resource, before they download it.

The new website goes live on the 1st September this year. There will be a Freeway Facebook page with links to their website.

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