Carreg Adventure, a new breed of adventure centre

stouthall Carreg image

For 15 years a beautiful, Georgian Mansion stood abandoned in the Gower countryside.  Steeped in history and surrounded by ancient woodland, it provided the perfect venue for Carreg Adventure owners, Ceri and Eoghan, to realise their vision for the future of schools adventure. They recognised the challenges in engaging young people in this era of smart phones, and wanted to create a product that not only offered excellent educational value and unrivalled service, but one that would have a lasting impact for visiting schools.

Every aspect of this project has been considered from the climbing trees to the bespoke bunk beds and teacher care is high on the agenda.

Come face to face with their resident owls, take a walk to the golden beaches or scale the 150 year old trees but one thing is for certain, you’ll never see your residential trips the same again.

carregContact Details –

01792 391386

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