September means the start of a new school year, with schools and colleges across the UK opening their doors once again. As students, teachers, parents and carers are welcomed back, it’s important to remember how you can prioritise their wellbeing. To support this, you can discover more about SWGfL’s anonymous reporting tool.
Anonymous reporting is a key aspect of supporting the whole school community. It allows for worries and concerns to be highlighted in a safe and secure manner, effectively assisting other safeguarding practices that are already in place.
With Whisper from SWGfL (the award-winning, not-for-profit charity), learning environments can allow anyone within their organisation to disclose any concerns that may be affecting themselves or others, with the option to remain anonymous if desired.
The additional avenue of support that Whisper provides, gives those in need, the confidence to talk about anything that has affected them, either in school or away from the school gates.
A member of staff overseeing Whisper will receive reports through email or text alerts, as well as through a live chat function; allowing them to effectively respond to highlighted issues.
Schools, colleges and Multi-Academy Trusts can all ensure they are providing an extra layer of care with this trusted reporting avenue.
Discover more about Whisper from SWGfL
SWGfL have been at the forefront of the online safety field for over 22 years; with their services, tools and guidance ensuring everyone can experience technology free from harm, across the UK and internationally. If you’re a professional who requires further support, SWGfL also host the Professionals Online Safety Helpline that can support any professional across the UK with any online safety concern they may be facing.
To meet online safety and safeguarding needs, visit and find out how they can support you and the young people in your care!