Transforming Connectivity in UK Schools to Support Sustainability, with TalkTalk Business

There’s growing pressure on educational organisations in the UK to realise the power of technology to help support other goals including sustainability, security and cost saving exercises. However, this pressure is a force for innovation and doesn’t have to be solely led by education organisations. Companies like TalkTalk Business offer solutions that benefit learning spaces and most importantly, students – supporting digital learning opportunities and their future potential.

Why should technology and connectivity providers like TalkTalk Business play a role in shaping and innovating the future of education?  Because it’s these solutions that provide the foundation for the tools and applications that drive the future education environment.

Transitioning Public Sector Facilities to Carbon Net-Zero by 2050

The UK government aims to transition public sector facilities, including schools, to carbon net-zero by 2050.

To meet this target, local councils are starting to integrate schools into their mission to optimise energy use across their estates, enable smart building management, and reduce travel costs through remote IT resource management.

However, you don’t need to wait. There are many benefits to considering this now – for example, upgrading a school’s network presents a valuable opportunity to rethink building management approaches.

How can a school use technology to drive sustainable change?

At TalkTalk Business, we can help schools manage their network centrally using a cloud-based dashboard which provides visibility, control, and management across all connectivity types and any IOT devices connected to the network, such as cameras and sensors. It transforms the network into an intelligent network capable of monitoring energy usage and space utilisation as well as quickly and easily adapting to capacity peaks and troughs.

Imagine being able to set recurring schedules for network activation, such as starting at 6:00 am and shutting down at 8:30 pm, or reducing capacity over the holiday period. By integrating IOT devices into the network you can also monitor and manage temperature in classrooms, scheduling heating and lighting operations in line with the school timetable thus reducing costs.

The data and insights from the dashboard mean the contribution to carbon net-zero can be easily calculated and tracked.

Our Connected Business solution would be ideal for schools as it offers upto 1Gb dedicated internet access, a Wi-Fi access point, and advanced security including an application layer firewall, content filtering, malware and intrusion detection and more. All of this is managed easily through the central dashboard.

Want to discuss this further and find out more? Meet TalkTalk Business at the School & Academies Show

Join TalkTalk Business at the Education Schools & Academies Event on November 20th to learn more about how we can support your school’s connectivity and network transformation needs. Meet our experts, explore our solutions, and discover how we can help you create a more connected and sustainable educational environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your school’s network to the next level! Meet us there.

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