Discover British Science Week in March 2017!

British Science Week (BSW) is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths – featuring fascinating, entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages.

BSW is taking place from 10 – 19 March 2017.

Funding is available for schools and community groups to run events during the Week. Community grants can be spent on a wide variety of activities, from drama classes to group outings – as long as there is a science link.

Citizen science projects are a big feature of BSW, and this year the focus is on all things penguin-related. The festival is teaming up with Zooniverse on their visual monitoring project: Penguin Watch. With the help of the public, the aim is to annotate thousands of images of penguins and their habitats that have been taken over the past three years.

There are also free activity packs available to download for loads of inspiring ideas to help make your Science Week go off with a bang!

Last BSW, thousands of events took place across the UK, engaging more than 1.6 million people, with activities taking place in schools and communities. The intention is to make 2017 bigger than ever.

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