ERA Awards 2017 – Deadline for entries Monday 6th February

image1With a closing date of Monday 6th February 2017, entries are now being recieved  from all companies wishing to enter The Education Resources Awards 2017.

All suppliers who wish to enter the awards can access a full list of categories available to enter, plus read criteria information and download an entry form, by or

The ERAs highlight outstanding resources, excellent educational establishments and acknowledge the most dedicated members of the teaching profession. Organised by BESA and Brilliant Marketing Solutions, it’s sponsors and supporters include some of the best known names in the education industry including Maped Helix and YPO.

Caroline Wright, director of BESA, comments: “Every year the awards provide our industry, including teachers, suppliers and institutions, with the opportunity to show the effectiveness of what it does and in return receive the industry’s highest accolade

If you would like to speak to a member of the ERA team to find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact Brilliant Marketing Solutions on 01622 474011image2

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